Website Case Studies 

The Clorox Company Website had an image problem. It wasn't getting the right hits -- this was the corporate site, not the bleach site, but anyone who wanted to find the stock price couldn't, and anyone who wanted to find Clorox Bleach ended up here instead of on Plus, the website was built on an older platform that was difficult to maintain, requiring hard coding to fix any changes, such as changes to the Board of Directors or the annual report announcements and earnings reports. And there wasn't much available budget to fix the issues. Now what? 


The Director of Corporate Communications approached us, the internal Clorox Company internal digital agency, to find out how we could help. As the Senior Project Manager overseeing the site, I devised a structured plan, a budget and timeline which was keyed to launch on the date of the next report. 


We began with the phase where we discover, and uncover, any pre-existing assumptions and test them. We did focus group testing and some comparison evaluations of other websites in the category. We identified what we needed the website to do, and how it needed to function. With the team identified from the internal agency group, we assigned tasks. Then we began working on wireframing the site. Gaining approval at every step and minding the timeline and budget, I was able to manage the team and the content using a content management tool. This allowed all of the stakeholders the ability to proofread and approve content before it was uploaded. 

The Clorox Company website needed to serve the employees, investors and stockholders and provide accurate, timely information about the ongoing corporate commitments and up to the minute stock results.  Another need I wanted to fulfill was the photography and to be able to use our employees so we set up on the campus in Pleasanton, California and the results were great, candid shots of our employees working in their normal environment, not needing to use stock photography which saved us money and was a great boost to morale. The internal design and web development teams worked together to create a fully functioning site that met and exceeded expectations.